
Workplace Needs Assessment




A workplace needs assessment is designed to identify reasonable adjustments that can be implemented to support an ADHD employee in the workplace. ADHD UK offer a comprehensive but specialised service to employers looking for this support for their staff with ADHD (diagnosed or suspected). The assessment contains 3 core elements designed to identify needs accurately and effectively, then to provide clear actions and steps to take in order to meet those needs.

Element 1 is a pre assessment questionnaire. This can be completed at your own pace but it ensures that any time spent by the assessor, with both the employer and employee, is used as efficiently as possible.

Element 2 is a semi-formal remote interview. This is conducted with both employer and employee, to ensure that an agreed and shared understanding is achieved by all parties. The format, typically, will be 15-30 minutes with the direct line manager, followed by 90-105 minutes with the employer (so circa 2 hours in total). The assessor will need to identify the specific role-related activities of the individual employee. The assessor will also look to understand the broader working environment for the individual. This is critical in making such an assessment for neurodiversity, where externalised factors can be as significant as the characteristics of individual hidden disability, when it comes to making the appropriate reasonable adjustments.

Element 3 is a written report provided by the assessor to both employer and employee. The report may contains some context but will focus on actionable and measurable measures that can reasonably be taken. The aim of these measures will always be to improve the working situation for the employee, to mutually benefit both the employee through and employee. The actions will be recommendations and the facilitation and adoption of the recommendations remains entirely a matter for the employee and employer. It is important to note that a workplace needs assessment will not attempt to or provide a diagnosis. In cases where there is no present diagnosis, ADHD UK very strongly recommends that the employee has a diagnostic assessment as this will identify the nature of their strengths and difficulties. This will greatly improve the effectiveness of the workplace needs assessment. The employee must have been in the role to be assessed for more than 6 weeks before ADHD UK will carry out an assessment. This is the minimum necessary to ensure that issues relating to initiation or integration into a new role, do not deflect from the core needs of the individual. Typical reasonable adjustments may include: Auditory or visual isolation tools; IT or software; cognitive focus technique signposting; individual coaching (for both the employee and employer); group awareness and management training. Reasonable adjustments can usually be funded through the Access to Work scheme.


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