
Thriving Woman | Cathy Howe

£360/month for 1-2-1 ADHD/ASC Coaching

  • Total


About Cathy

Hi, I’m Cathy Howe

I received diagnoses of ADHD and ASC in my late 40s so I fully understand what it’s like to spend your whole life feeling different, and struggling to understand why some things more difficult – or easy – than for other people. I’ve been coaching for many years, but completed an ADHD coach training course after my diagnosis and now work with women affected by ADHD and/or ASC, including creatives and professionals.

Qualification: AACC certified ADHD Coach, Dip Psychology (conv for graduates), MSc Healthcare Management, BSc Clothing Product Development

To contact me and book a free discovery session: www.thrivingwoman.net


1-2-1 ADHD/ASC Coaching:

  • £360/month for three 1-2-1 coaching sessions conducted by video conference unless another medium is more suitable.
    • Message-based support between sessions.
    • Additional input negotiable.
  • Discounts are available for advance payment options.
  • Individual session prices also available.


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