
Louise Spurgeon

£110 per session, packages available

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About Louise: 
Hi, I am Louise.
I spent 20 years working within investment banking but it never felt right. I had a fear of finding what was right for me, partly because I thought I had to always conform to external expectations and I was always seeking external validation. But five years ago I started a new career as a coach.I had previously studied psychology (BSc) but it never really answered the questions I had about how my body, mind/emotions and nervous system responded to my own childhood and adult experiences. However when I studied for an MSc in neuroscience and psychology of mental health (& an advanced coaching diploma) I could further appreciate the importance of self kindness, psychological safety, emotional regulation and befriending our own nervous system. Those aspects feature in my practice along with interoception, which is a lesser known sense that is integral for the mind and body to be in synchronicity.I do not have an ADHD diagnosis but I have many hundreds of hours experience coaching & mentoring adults with either an official or suspected diagnosis.
I work with universities, business owners/ leaders across multiple sectors. I am a bit like a bird because I love to flit between my passions. Alongside the coaching I am a consultant -educating and training on the importance of building brain capital to support a kinder and sustainable world.I offer a non judgemental safe space for clients to be seen and heard which can open up possibilities and purpose that may have been previously closed off. To arrange a free chemistry session to see if we are a coaching match you can contact me at Loulouspurg@gmail.com.


Coaching and Mentoring:
Free Introductory Call
£110 per 60 minute session, packages available.

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