
Emma Koubayssi | ADHD Coaching

Single 1 hour session £110

I’m a vibrant, dynamic ICF-certified ADHD coach with a strong moral compass. Diagnosed with dyslexia at 10 and discovering my own ADHD in my 40s, I understand the unique challenges and strengths that come with neurodivergence.

My journey has shaped my approach to coaching, making me passionate about helping others with ADHD harness their brightest potential. I bring over a decade of coaching experience, 15 years in fast-paced communications agencies, and a warm, creative approach to our sessions, ensuring you feel seen, understood, and empowered.

I don’t view ADHD as a deficiency, nor do I subscribe to the “superpower” narrative. Instead, I believe that understanding yourself fully and expansively—your strengths, your areas of need, and how to accept, celebrate, and resource yourself—can bring more calm, consistency, and joy into your life.

I offer tried-and-tested techniques to identify what works best for you. Here are some topics we can explore together:

  • Understand how your ADHD brain works

  • Move beyond black-and-white thinking

  • Develop positive self-talk and self-acceptance

  • Build self-validation and reduce negative thought patterns

  • Tackle Executive Function challenges

  • Apply practical tools and frameworks

  • Explore and harness your strengths

  • Recognise your needs and set boundaries

  • Prioritise yourself without guilt

I’m here to help you move forward. The work may not be easy, but with wit and compassion, it will empower you to stand tall, stand proud, and gain a deeper understanding of who you are in the world. 


  • Diploma in Transformational Coaching, Animas Centre of Coaching, London

  • Diploma in Supervision, International Centre of Coaching Supervision, London

  • ADHD-Specialist Coach Pathway, ICF Accredited – Gold Mind Academy, London

  • Group Coaching CPD, Animas Centre of Coaching, London

  • Mindfulness Based Living, Glasgow Mindfulness Centre

  • Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) 200 hours, Mahi Yoga School, India

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, University of Sydney

  • NLP Communication Excellence, University of Sydney

  • MA Honours History, University of Glasgow


Single 1 hour session £110


For direct enquiries please complete the form below.

Selecting a coach is a deeply personal choice. If you’d like to see how we vibe and learn more about how I work, please book a chemistry chat with me https://calendly.com/big-impact/adhd_uk