
Daniella Michaels | ADHD Uplift Coaching

£70 per session

Receiving my ADHD diagnosis just before starting university, following my brother’s diagnosis, was a real lightbulb moment for me. Throughout school, I worked three times as hard as my peers just to concentrate, complete homework, and sit down to study. This diagnosis was a game-changer, allowing me to access support and develop strategies that helped me earn a first-class Mathematics BSc from Queen Mary University of London.

My background in youth leadership, maths tutoring, and working in fast-paced environments like corporate finance — where I faced numerous challenges and even discrimination — fuelled my desire to retrain as an ADHD coach. I utilise my logical thinking, problem-solving skills, and empathy to help you thrive, ensuring you’re supported by someone who truly understands ADHD.

I have gained deep insight into the challenges, frustrations, and limited support that high school pupils (aged 15+), university students, professionals, and entrepreneurs often face. My training at ADDCA, alongside my ongoing pursuit of excellence through ICF certification, equips me to best support you in overcoming these challenges, such as forgetfulness, disorganisation, procrastination, difficulties with time-management and concentration.

My mathematical background, particularly in algorithms, influences my coaching methods, enabling me to bring a structured yet personal, solution-oriented approach to each session. I excel at building rapport quickly, ensuring you feel supported and understood from the outset; a critical aspect of my coaching practice at ADHD Uplift Coaching. My philosophy centres on empowering you to explore and challenge your current situations and beliefs, fostering personal growth and development.

I’m passionate about helping you discover and implement strategies tailored to your specific needs in our 45 minute coaching sessions together. By leveraging your strengths and addressing your challenges, we can work in partnership to create lasting, transformative change. Are you ready to harness your potential and build a fulfilling life?

Pricing: £70 per session.

Additional Offerings: I am also available for webinars, workshops, public speaking engagements, staff & corporate training on ADHD. Please be in touch using the link above.

To book your free 30-minute consultation, head to https://calendar.app.google/UeecVyMk86RjsD1n8 today. I can’t wait to meet you! 
What are you waiting for?!