
Caroline Carrier | ADHD Coach

4x1hr sessions £430; 4x45min sessions £385

If you had school reports anything like mine (“a consummate waster of time”, “an excellent mathematician, but a terrible student”, “bouts of complete chaos”), your inner critic has probably made a life’s work of asking you questions like:

  • Why can I be so brilliant at times – and at others so “rubbish“?
  • Am I simply lazy despite appearing so hard working?
  • Am I stupid despite allegedly being pretty smart?
  • Am I incapable despite my achievements and successes?
  • What would ‘normal’ people think, if they could see all this mess in here?

Finally getting my late ADHD diagnosis as well as excellent support, ADHD education and coaching moved me past these shame-based questions. Now I LOVE my ADHD and everything it brings, and I am kinder to myself. If you’d like to take that same journey, and understand your own ADHD and how thrive with it, get in touch!

I am an ACC(ICF) and AACC(ADDCA) certified ADHD Coach specialising in:

  • Newly diagnosed ADHD adults wondering ‘what next?’
  • ‘Outwardly successful, inwardly messy’ ADHDers
  • Harsh inner critic, imposter syndrome, shame
  • ND adults moving into a new challenge (e.g. change of job role) with ADHD showing up in new ways
  • Teenagers
  • Transition from school to higher education and employment

As a former qualified teacher, CPT3A assessor and SENCo, I also provide training to school staff and businesses to help them appreciate ADHD/ND strengths and understand the experience of, and support needed by, ADHD/ND individuals. I can offer advice to parents on getting the support their ADHD teenager needs at school and in exams.

 Session Details 

I offer a free discovery call to discuss what brings you to coaching, what you hope to get out of coaching and how our coaching partnership would work and to answer any questions you have. If you decide to go forward, then in our first session we’ll get clear on your big picture goals and why they are important to you right now. Each subsequent session, you will bring one thing that is important to you right now and we’ll explore what is coming up for you, what you’d like to be different and what is in your way. We’ll look to past successes, ways you can bring your strengths to the situation, how you might reframe your thinking to shift into forward movement or a new perspective, and how you will take that into action.


4x1hr sessions £430; 4x45min sessions £385


Monday-Saturday including evenings.

Additional Offerings 

I offer an ADHD awareness program of 10 sessions (details here), usually used with groups of teachers, but adaptable to parents or individuals learning about their own ADHD. I also have a standalone 1hr session entitled: “Five Things the Diagnostic Criteria Won’t Tell You about ADHD”, again targeted at school staff, but adaptable for others.